Bruce Posgate - Table Hopping
Bruno - Magic from Holland
Bud Morris, EW - Magic in the Morris Manor
Burling Hull - Double Double magic with Cards
Burling Hull - Expert Billiard Ball manipulation
Burnette - Unleashed Secrets - Things you have always wanted to know?..
C Lang Neil - After Dinner Sleights and Pocket Tricks
C Lang Neil - The Modern Conjurer
C. E.M. Hansel - ESP A Scientific Evaluation
Carl Waldman; Joe Layden - The Art of Magic
Chan Canasta - A Remarkable Man, Vol 2- NEW
Chan Canasta - Book of Oopses - NEW
Chan Canasta Live on TV
Chanin, Jack - Handle with Gloves (JC Coin Routines)
Charles Frederick - The Book of Magic
Charles H Hopkins - Outs, Precautions and Challenges
Charles W Cameron - Devil's Diary
Charles W Cameron - Handbook of Horror
Chavel - Reelistic Magic
Chicanery Magazine
Chris Carey - Do the Stuff That's You
Chris Mayhew - A Clockwork Apple
Chris Rawlins - Pseudo
Chris Woodward and Richard Mark - Maurice Fogel: In Search of the Sensational
Chuck Fayne - Something Old, Something New SIGNED
Chuck Hickok - Mentalism Incorporated
Clarke 'Senator' Crandall - Dice Stacking
Collectors' Workshop - Journal of the Collector's Workshop - Four issues of Words from the Wokshop.
Corinda - Mini-Slate Magic
Corinda and Ralph Read - The Complete Guide to Billet Switching
Craig Dickson - For the Entertainer II
Crandall; Neil Foster - The Best of Senator Crandall
Crispin Sartwell - The Color Change - NEW Last copy
D. Deveen - Expert cigarette Magic
Dai Vernon; Lewis Ganson (ed) - Malini and his Magic
Dan Garrett - Teasers and Ticklers
Dan Garrett - The Last Palindrome - Send More
Daniel McCarthy - Quirks and Enodations
Daniel McCarthy - The Underground hits the Bottom
Danny Archer (booklet) - Working Alone