Verrall Wass - Magically Yours
Victor Farelli - Nate Leipzig's Card Stab
Victor Farelli - The Odin Rings
W.F. Steele (Rufus) - The Last Word on Cards
Waldo Hostetler - Rudiments of Magic SIGNED
Walt Lees - The Art of the Grafter
Walt Lees; James Breedon (eds) - Rub the Lamp
Walt Maddison - Spacka-Trix PLUS Aces
Walter Gibson & MN Young (eds) - Houdini on Magic
Walter Gibson - Professional Magic for Amateurs
Ward the Wizard - Wiles of a Wizard
Warren Wiersbe - Action with Cards (revised Ed)
Wayne Dobson - More Ideas
Wayne Dobson - Outlines
Wayne Dobson - Ping & Pong
Wayne Dobson - WD40
Werner Dornfield - Dorny on Trix
Wilfred Johnson - Card Conjuring
Will Ayling - Knowing the Rising Card (Know-how Series)
Will Ayling - Knowing the Ropes
Will Ayling - The Art of Illusion
Will Dexter - A Little magic Among Friends
Will Dexter - Famous Magic Secrets
William Miesel - Improvsation
Wizard Magazine
Yigal Mesika; Brahams; Ashkenazy - Animated Miracles