Liam Montier and Darren McQuade - Stranger than Frixion - with pen
Lisa Hayes - 101 Tricks with a Svengali Deck
Lloyd E Jones - The Dime and Penny
Louis Tannen - Lou Tannen's Catalog of Magic No. 9
Magic for Everybody - Joseph Leeming
Magic Ian - 25 Rubber Penetration Tricks
Make-up for magicians Plus How to do Chalk Cartoons - Harold Long, Gerry Findler
Marc Lemezma - Mind Magic PLUS Mind Tricks
Mark DeSouza - Tricks I have Turned SIGNED
Mark Leveridge - Low-down on close-up Magic - lecture No. 1
Mark leveridge - Tha Magic of Close-up - a lecture
Mark Leveridge - The 6th British Close up Magic Symposium
Mark Leveridge - The Mark Leveridge Lecture Experience
Mark Leveridge - The Ring and Spring Routine
Mark Mason's It Beats Working Lecture Notes
Mark Trimble - Rice's Encyclopedia of Silk Magic - Volume 4
Mark Weston; Ken de Courcy (ed) - The Multimix principle
Marshall Brodien - One Hundred and One Card Tricks
Martin Breese (ed) - Mental Magick of Basil Horwitz, Vol. 1 - NEW
Martin Breese (ed) - Mental Magick of Basil Horwitz, Vol. 5 - NEW
Martin Breese (ed) - The Magic of Al Koran
Martin Breese - New Sorcerer Magazine 3 special issues
Martin Gardner - 12 Tricks with a Borrowed Deck (Revised Edition)
Martin Gardner - Encyclopedia of Impromptu Magic - First edition
Martin Gardner - Mathematics, magic and Mystery
Martin Gardner; Todd Karr (ed) - Impromptu
Martin lewis - Martin's Magical Inventions lecture
Martini - Lickity Split - The Art of Splitting Cards
Marvin Hardy - Balloon magic - Instruction Book
Marvin Kaye - Catalog of Magic
Marvin Kaye - The Handbook of Magic
Max Andrews - Sixteen Card index gems
Max Andrews - Vampire Catalogue No 5.
Meir Yedid - New Wave Thaumatology - Issue 4 - Shinko Nagisa's Twisting Arm Illusion
Meir Yedid - Off the Wall - Lecture Notes
Mel Mellers - The Mel Mellers Gag Book Volume 1
Merlyn Shute - Out of your Pocket
Merlyn T Shute - Cups Cups Cups
Merry Bits and Paper Quips PLUS harry Stanley's Gag Bag No 2. - Richard Merry, Val Andrews, Clifford Davies, Harry Stanley
Michael Ammar - Magic lecture Notes - Tour 2000 PLUS Easy to master lecture