The Great Houdini - Beryl Williams & Samuel Epstein
Houdini: The Man from Beyond - Brian Haberlin; Jeff Phillips; Gilbert Monsanto
Three books on Houdini: Fooling Houdini, The Great Houdini, The Life and many deaths of Houdioni - Alex Stone; Williams & Epstein; Ruth Brandon
Three books on Houdini: Houdini on Deception, Houdini - Death-defying Showman, Houdini's Box - Harry Houdini (with Derren Brown intro); Rita Thievon Mullin; Adam Phillips
Three books on Houdini: Houdini's Girl, Houdini's Box, the Life and Many Deaths of Houdini - Martyn bedford; Asam Phillips, Ruth Brandon
Walter Gibson & MN Young (eds) - Houdini on Magic
The Life and Many Deaths of Harry Houdini - Ruth Brandon
Houdini and Conan Doyle - Christopher Sandford