Rob Roy - Easy Card magic
Robert Cassidy - The Art of Mentalism
Robert Cassidy - The Artful Mentalism of Bob Cassidy
Robert E Neale - Tricks of the Imagination
Robert Harbin - Demon Magic
Robert Harbin - Harbincadabra
Robert Orben - Professional Patter
Robert Orben - Screamline Comedy
Robert Parrish and Oscar Weigle - Do that Again
Roberto Giobbi - Card College Lighter
Roberto Giobbi - Card College Lighter. Professional Card magic without Sleight-of-hand
Roberto Giobbi - Card College Volume 1. A complete course in Sleight-of-hand Magic
Roberto Giobbi - Card College Volume 2. A complete course in Sleight-of-hand Magic
Rod Beatle - The Art of Playing Cards
Roger Crosthwaite - Mindboggler SIGNED
Roger Siegel - Roger's Rubber Ark - One Balloon Zoo Volume two
Ron Bishop - Laughter all the Way
Ron Frost - Tricks from the Wax Museum
Ron Gilbert - Host of Ideas Lecture
Ronnie Frost - Lecture Notes
Roy and nancy Spencer - Telepathy Personified - NEW
Roy Fromer - Floating Ball Magic
Roy Johnson - Second Time Around
Roy Johnson - The Roy Johnson Experience
Roy Johnson - Third Dimension
Roy Roth, Carlos - R.A.R Magic Catalogue PLUS Studio Carlos catalogue.
Royal Magic team - Sponge Ball Magic
Russell Braddon - The Piddingtons
Ryan Matney - The End Times. - Books 1 plus Book 2 plus Extra
Samuel Berland - Tricks for Today and Tomorrow
Scott Penrose - Making you magic magical - Lecture Notes
Secrets: Original Magic of Terri Rogers DVD PLUS Stargate and Top of the Bill
Sensor Envelope - Pack of 20
Sharpe, S.H. - Conjured Up
Shaun Mccree - Triple: Unusual Angles; Snappy Stuff; Three Coffees…
Shufton's Portal
Sid Lorraine - A Magician in the House
Simon Lovell - Son of Simon Says
Sorcerer CD
Sorcerer Magazine - 2 issues